Join in on the festival selection of all of the events below:
🧀 Thu 26 May: Beit Luria Shavuot cheesecake celebration on WhatsApp: Send in your cheesecake pictures and let us be the judge by the most WhatsApp reactions of who is the greatest cheesecake baker of all
🧀 Evening of Thu 26 May: Beit Emanuel’s Shavuot festival in-person (Zoom available for service)
🧀 Morning of Fri 27 May: Bet David’s Shavuot in-person morning service (YouTube broadcast available for online attendees)
Please join us in Shul this Thursday evening (25 May) at 18h00 for our Shavuot activities, including:
🕍 The Shavuot festival evening service (Shul), including a Bikkurim procession
🍰 A dairy-rich Shavuot Brocha (Janks Hall), along with a cheesecake bring & share
📖 Our Tikkun Leil Shavuot programme (Shul), with guest speaker Lael Bethlehem on “The Torah as Judaism’s Bill of Rights” and a Talmud study session.
💻 The service will be broadcast on Zoom using the link .
(With the current level of loadshedding, it might not prove possible to broadcast the Tikkun Leil Shavuot programme. If it does go on air, we’ll use the same link.)
The Shavuot festival morning service will take place at Bet David, Morningside on Friday, 26 May at 10h00. (See individual post for more info)
Join us on Thursday evening, 25 May, for our Shavuot Tikun Leil at Temple Israel Green Point.
🍰 Dinner and Cheesecake competition at 6pm, followed by Erev Shavuot service
📖 Guest speaker Jonathan Ancer “Monsters and Mensches”
👩👧👦 Kids activities till midnight
Please see poster for more info, we look forward to seeking you there!
Please join us for a Kabbalat Shabbat and Shavuot service at Beit David on Friday 26 May at 6pm.
There will be a bring-and-share supper after the service, with the traditional cheesecake competition for congregants and a prize for the winning entry.
Please contact Leanne for competition entries – see poster for more info 🍰
Temple Israel – Hillbrow will have services on Wednesday 5 April at 18h00 and Thursday 6 April 10h00 followed by a Brocha.
Both services will be hybrid services on the following link: